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토익스피킹 part1 연습문제 반복 읽기

by JEONJIHO 2022. 7. 10.


Thank you for contacting Apple Mango Hair Shop. Apple Mango Hair Shop always does its best for customer satisfaction.

I'm sorry, but all the counselors are busy right now. If you want information about the price, please press one.

If you want to know about the exact location of our store, please press two. Please don't hang up if you want to speak with our staff. Thank you.






This announcement is for all passengers scheduled to take the 10 o'clock train to Nashville. We are currently experiencing minor mechanical problems, and we expect about a 30-minute delay. If you have not yet checked in your baggage, please go to the service counter now. We apologize for the delay and have a nice trip.






Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin.

However, we always recommend keeping your seatbelt fastened while you're seated. In a few moments, the flight attendants will be passing around the cabin to offer you hot or cold drinks with a snack. Now, we will be showing you our video presentation. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Thank you.



[단어 정리]

contacting : 연락

satisfaction : 만족

press : 누르다

exact : 정확한

hang up : 끊다

mechanical : 기계적

announcement : 발표

baggage : 수하물

apologize :사과하다

recommend : 추천하다

seatbelt : 안전벨트

fastened : 고정

moments : 순간들

attendants : 좌우