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토익스피킹 지문 읽기 연습 PART -1


by JEONJIHO 2023. 9. 6. 23:07


1. 토익스피킹 PART 1 지문 읽기 연습

Question 1 of 3

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The Earth's climate is undergoing significant changes due to the increase in greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. This is largely driven by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

The impacts of climate change are far-reaching and severe. Rising global temperatures have led to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, contributing to rising sea levels. This, in turn, poses a serious threat to coastal communities, causing erosion and increasing the risk of flooding.

Additionally, climate change has disrupted weather patterns, leading to more frequent and severe weather events, including hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. These events have devastating consequences  for agriculture, water resources, and human settlements.

Moreover, climate change affects ecosystems and biodiversity. Many species are struggling to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions, leading to shifts in habitats and endangering numerous plant and  animal species.

To mitigate the impacts of climate change, urgent action is needed. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable  land-use practices. Individuals, governments, and businesses all have a role to play in addressing this global challenge.




Question 2 of 3

Technology has transformed every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate to how we work and play. While technology offers many benefits, it also raises important social and ethical questions.

One of the key areas where technology has made a significant impact is communication. The advent of the internet and smartphones has revolutionized how we connect with one another. Social media platforms have allowed people to stay in touch with friends and family across the globe, but they have also  raised concerns about privacy and the spread of misinformation.

In the workplace, automation and artificial intelligence have streamlined processes and increased productivity. However, there are concerns about job displacement and the need for workers to acquire new  skills to remain relevant in the job market.

Technology has also reshaped the entertainment industry, with streaming services becoming the norm. This has disrupted traditional media and raised questions about the future of television and cinema.

Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancement has created ethical dilemmas, such as the use of personal data by tech companies and the development of autonomous weapons.

It is crucial for society to strike a balance between embracing technological progress and addressing its challenges. This includes regulations to protect privacy, investments in education and retraining programs, and ethical considerations in the development and use of technology.




Question 3 of 3

Education is often regarded as the key to personal and societal progress. It equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and opportunities that can significantly impact their lives.

At a personal level, education opens doors to better career prospects and higher earning potential. It provides individuals with the tools to make informed decisions about their health, finances, and personal development. Furthermore, education fosters critical thinking and  problem-solving abilities, which are essential in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

On a societal level, education plays a crucial role in shaping the future. Well-educated citizens are more likely to engage in civic activities, contribute to their communities, and support positive social change. Moreover, education is a driving force behind economic growth and  innovation.

However, access to quality education is not equal for everyone. Disparities in educational opportunities persist, particularly in underserved communities and developing countries. This inequality hinders social  mobility and perpetuates cycles of poverty.

To address these challenges, governments, educators, and communities must work together to ensure equitable access to education. This includes investing in schools and teachers, expanding access to  educational resources, and promoting lifelong learning.




Question 1 of 3

Cultural diversity refers to the presence of various cultural groups within a society or community. It encompasses differences in language, religion, traditions, customs, and more. Embracing cultural diversity brings numerous benefits to individuals and society as a whole.

One of the most significant advantages of cultural diversity is the enrichment of perspectives and ideas. Exposure to different cultures fosters creativity and innovation, as people from diverse backgrounds  bring unique viewpoints and problem-solving approaches to the table.

Moreover, cultural diversity promotes tolerance and understanding. Interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds helps break down stereotypes and prejudices. It encourages empathy and  respect for others, ultimately contributing to social cohesion and harmony.

Cultural diversity also enhances the culinary and artistic landscape of a society. It introduces new flavors, cuisines, music, and art forms, making life more vibrant and exciting.

In the business world, cultural diversity can be a competitive advantage. Companies with diverse workforces are often more adaptable and better equipped to serve a global customer base. Additionally,  diverse teams are known to be more creative and effective in problem-solving.

While cultural diversity offers numerous benefits, it is essential to promote inclusivity and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their cultural background, have equal opportunities and rights. This requires  efforts to combat discrimination and create inclusive policies and practices.




Question 2 of 3

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and share information. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have become integral parts of many people's lives. While  social media offers many advantages, it also presents several challenges and concerns.

One of the most significant impacts of social media is its role in facilitating global connectivity. It allows people to stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of geographical distances. It has also enabled  the rapid spread of information and news, making it a powerful tool for social and political movements.

However, social media has also been associated with negative consequences. The addictive nature of these platforms can lead to excessive screen time and potential harm to mental health. Cyberbullying and online harassment have become prevalent issues, particularly among young people.

The spread of misinformation and fake news on social media is another pressing concern. False or  misleading information can quickly go viral, leading to widespread confusion and mistrust.

Additionally, social media has raised privacy concerns, as user data is often collected and used for targeted advertising. This has sparked debates about the need for stronger regulations to protect personal  information.

To harness the positive aspects of social media while mitigating its drawbacks, individuals and society at large need to be vigilant. Promoting digital literacy, responsible usage, and online civility is essential. Furthermore, social media platforms themselves have a role to play in addressing issues like misinformation  and cyberbullying.




Question 3 of 3

The digital age has brought about profound changes in the world of work. Automation, artificial intelligence, and digital technologies have reshaped industries and job roles, raising questions about the future of employment.

One of the most significant shifts is the automation of routine tasks. Machines and algorithms can now perform tasks that were once done by humans, leading to concerns about job displacement in sectors  like manufacturing and customer service.

However, the digital age also presents new opportunities. The demand for skills related to technology, data analysis, and digital marketing has surged. Jobs in fields like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence  development, and software engineering are in high demand.

Remote work has become more prevalent, thanks to digital tools that enable collaboration and  communication across distances. This has the potential to increase flexibility and work-life balance for many individuals.




2. 토익스피킹 PART 2 지문 읽기 연습





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