하루에 5번 읽기
준비시간 : 45초
답변시간 : 45초
PART1 소리내어 읽기 연습
지문 1: The Impact of World War II on Global Politics
World War II, a devastating conflict that spanned from 1939 to 1945, reshaped the geopolitical landscape in profound ways. The aftermath saw the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, marking the beginning of the Cold War. The war's influence extended beyond military alliances, laying the groundwork for international organizations like the United Nations, aimed at preventing future global conflicts.
지문 2: The Human Cost of War in Modern Conflicts
Despite advancements in technology and global efforts towards peace, modern conflicts continue to exact a severe human toll. Civilian populations often bear the brunt of these conflicts, facing displacement, loss of loved ones, and the destruction of infrastructure. Understanding the human cost of war is essential in fostering empathy and advocating for diplomatic solutions to prevent further suffering.
지문 3: The Evolution of Warfare in the Digital Age
As technology advances, so does the nature of warfare. In the digital age, cyber warfare has become a prominent and concerning aspect of conflict. Nations engage in sophisticated cyberattacks, targeting critical infrastructure, espionage, and disinformation campaigns. The evolving landscape of warfare raises ethical questions and necessitates international cooperation to establish norms and regulations in the digital realm.
실수한 단어
Diplomatic (외교적인)
Displacement (이동, 이주)
Brunt (가장 크게 충격을 받는 부분)
Geopolitical (지정되지 않은 지리적 위치에 영향을 주는)
Superpowers (초강대국, 세계를 지배하는 강대한 국가)
Cold War (냉전, 미국과 소련 간의 경쟁과 갈등으로 나타난 1947년부터 1991년까지의 국제 정치적 상황)
Cyber warfare (사이버 전쟁, 컴퓨터와 네트워크를 통한 전쟁)
Espionage (스파이 행위, 정부나 기업의 비밀 정보 수집)
Disinformation campaigns (허위 정보 전파 작전)
Norms (표준, 규범)
긴 지문 읽기
Title: Beyond the Stars: Unraveling the Tapestry of Technological Progress through Space Exploration
As humanity looks to the heavens with a sense of wonder and curiosity, the impact of space exploration transcends the boundaries of our planet. The quest to understand the cosmos has not only expanded our knowledge of the universe but has also catalyzed a profound ripple effect in technological innovation that reverberates across various facets of our daily lives.
One of the most significant contributions of space exploration to technology is evident in the realm of communications. Satellites, initially developed for space missions, now form the backbone of global communication networks. From television broadcasting to internet connectivity, these orbiting marvels facilitate instant global communication, bridging distances and connecting people in ways that were once unimaginable.
The materials and technologies crafted for the extreme conditions of space have also found practical applications on Earth. Lightweight and durable materials designed for spacecraft construction have infiltrated industries such as automotive and construction, enhancing the efficiency and durability of everyday products. Moreover, innovations in medical technology, including advancements in remote surgery and telemedicine, owe their roots to the challenges posed by space exploration.
The symbiotic relationship between space exploration and technological progress extends beyond the tangible. The pursuit of reaching distant celestial bodies challenges scientists and engineers to push the boundaries of innovation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and problem-solving. This culture of exploration permeates various industries, from renewable energy to artificial intelligence, contributing to the ongoing evolution of our technological landscape.
In essence, space exploration serves as a catalyst for humanity's collective ingenuity. It ignites our imagination, propels us to push the limits of what is possible, and, in doing so, shapes the technological tapestry that weaves through the fabric of our modern world. As we gaze beyond the stars, we not only uncover the mysteries of the cosmos but also embark on a journey of boundless innovation that touches every aspect of our existence.
영어회화에 자주 쓰는 단어 30개 외우기
Destination - 목적지
Itinerary - 여행 일정
Accommodation - 숙박시설
Reservation - 예약
Check-in/Check-out - 체크인/체크아웃
Tourist Attractions - 관광 명소
Currency Exchange - 환전
Local Cuisine - 현지 음식
Transportation - 교통수단
Airport - 공항
Departure/Arrival - 출발/도착
Visa - 비자
Passport - 여권
Security Check - 보안 검사
Boarding Pass - 탑승권
Gate - 탑승구
Baggage Claim - 수하물 찾기
Lost and Found - 분실물 센터
Tour Guide - 여행 가이드
Cultural Exchange - 문화 교류
Souvenir - 기념품
Travel Insurance - 여행 보험
Adventure - 모험
Relaxation - 휴양
Sunscreen - 썬크림
Map - 지도 Explore - 탐험하다
Weather Forecast - 날씨 예보
Emergency - 비상 상황
Local Customs - 현지 풍습
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