전체 글542 토익스피킹 - 연습문제 | 기출문제 지문읽기 (TOEIC Speaking ) -9 1. Dear shoppers, may we have a minute of your time? We need your help locating a missing child who has wandered off in the store. Her name is Maria and she is four years old. She is wearing a pink cap, a black sweater, and blue pants. If you see a girl dressed like that, please notify an employee in the store immediately. Thank you for your assistance. 2. TBC News has exciting weather updates. .. 2022. 8. 23. 토익스피킹 - 연습문제 | 기출문제 지문읽기 (TOEIC Speaking ) -8 1. Good morning. Welcome to the Business Networking Seminar. Before we start, I'd like everyone to do the following exercise. First, turn to the person sitting on your left, introduce yourself and ask a question. Then, repeat this process with the person on your right. Go ahead! The first step to great networking is being completely confident when meeting new people. 2. Garden Gate Magazine is p.. 2022. 8. 23. 토익스피킹 - 연습문제 | 기출문제 지문읽기 (TOEIC Speaking ) -7 1. By the company security regulation, the weapons, knives, and guns are never allowed to be taken in the building by anyone and even in their bags. When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X-ray machines and some bags will be manually checked by personnel, as well. Thank you for your cooperation. 2. May I have your attention, please? This announcement is for the Han.. 2022. 7. 11. 토익스피킹 - 연습문제 | 기출문제 지문읽기 (TOEIC Speaking ) -6 1. It is with great pleasure that I welcome Mr.Kim as a new employee to our Sales team. I am pleased that Mr.Kim has accepted our job offer and he is ready to begin his career with Pagoda Company. We, as a leading sales company, are aimed at improving the market exposure by setting up a wide network of prospective clients. So, we're so excited that Mr.Kim joined our team. 2. Thank you for coming.. 2022. 7. 11. 토익스피킹 part1 연습문제 반복 읽기 1. Thank you for contacting Apple Mango Hair Shop. Apple Mango Hair Shop always does its best for customer satisfaction. I'm sorry, but all the counselors are busy right now. If you want information about the price, please press one. If you want to know about the exact location of our store, please press two. Please don't hang up if you want to speak with our staff. Thank you. 2. This announceme.. 2022. 7. 10. 수도권 집값 5주째 하락 매수심리도 위축 수도권 집값이 금리인상 우려에 5주째 하락중이며 매물적체 영향과 매수심리도 갈수록 위축되고있다. 노원과 강북, 강동 등 하락폭이 확대되고 인천과 수원도 집값의 하락 기울기는 점점 가팔라지고 있다. 뉴스에서 나온 기자의 인터뷰를 보면 서울 집값이 5주 연속으로 하락하고 있고 외곽지역을 위주로 낙폭도 커지고 있다고 한다. 매물은 늘어나는 추세이지만 금리인상이라는 이슈 등으로 매수심리는 점점 위축되고 있다고 한다. 서울을 포함한 수도권 전체에서 찬바람이 불고 있다고 전하고 있다. 7월 2일 한국부동산원에 따르면 이번주의 서울 아파트 값의 변동률은 지난주와 같은 마이너스를 기록했으며 서울 아파트값은 5월 다섯째주 하락으로 전환한 뒤에 6월 말까지 하락 추세가 지속되고 있다고 전했다. 추가적인 금리인상 우려와 매.. 2022. 7. 2. 이전 1 ··· 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ··· 91 다음